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Spikera2, 79 y.o.
El Ejido, Spain [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 16
well back againe once more, still in England in Devon but again looking to move once more, l think that l take after my grandfather who came from Switzaland who was happy moving around this country
Reply - Conversation - Apr 17
l am very sorry that l have not answered all you good folk but with moving house and sorting out without any help took it out of me but now hope to answer all my post starting tomorrow as l am thinking of going to bed now, the dogs have been out for the last time this evening, and now just hoping that l can get a nights sleep something that l am having trouble with so for now l will say goodnight and bless you all,
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2023
Having problems with people contact. l am signed in but l keep getting a note to sign in so who do l contact to sort out
if any one can help thank you
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2023
Hi Jan Jad yes l came back from Spain just before my 6ooth birthday as l got fed up with people not liking the English and was so glad to be back with my family. but my late husband did not want to come back so l told him to stay there then, but he soon came back as l said that l was sending some one to pick up my dogs and then he understood that l was not going back so both my husband and my three dogs came back and six months later he was taken ill, with fluid on the brain and that was the start of him going down hill, and then a year later he had strokes and ended up paralyzed and l had told him that l would not put him in a home as he was my life and for nearly 7 years l nursed him until his death God Bless him he was a good man and looked after me
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2023
I'm very curious your original profile says Spain but you are living in England. There's got to be a story there.
I just got in from Good Friday services.
What do you think about the king's coronation coming up. They sure do have a lot of family drama. Do you think the rumors are true that William and Kate are going to separate What part of England do you live in ? I live in Southern Indiana About an hour North of Louisville Kentucky.
Have a good evening Talk again real soon
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2023
any one from China who speaks English would be nice
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2023
Hi Jan thank you for your email.. l lost my husband 7 months ago after being married for nearly 40 years. l have three children a boy and two girls, and 8 grandchildren and 2 great grandsons, and l have 2 small dogs and like you l am moving from my bungalow to another bungalow in town as l am living in a village we are a lot alike
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2023
Good day
I am also a widow my husband died about 6 years ago. You didn't mention if you have any children I have 3 but unfortunately 2 and a 1/2 years ago I lost my oldest daughter. This left my granddaughter with 3 children and no family support but me, So I babysit for them quite a bit . I put the emphasis on sit I sit they rotate around me.
I have one cat Who rules the house. We are getting ready to move into a new house in town and he will not have the freedom to run like he does now and it really has been worrisome for me.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2022
Hello from Los Angeles. Sorry don’t see the messages from the wall often.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2022
Nice to see you back. Brian
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