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Julian, 33 y.o.
Rafz, Switzerland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2015
I find that wall-to-wall communicatiom a little bit weird but it's fun so why not ahah. Thanks for your reply and compliment, you seem to be a really curious person, fascinated by life, and your english is more than great, i feel guilty to have such a poor vocabulary compared to yours. I am sure we do have a lot in commun, i really like your way of communicating, it's all but boring, so i hope it can lead us somewhere, i'm sure it will :)
I'm not really good at cooking, i could burn a house with my skills but i'm willing to learn and motivated as hell believe it or not!
You're right about doing what you really like in life, i have the same opinion but i want to challenge myself, and i know how times are hard and i don't know if i can really make a living only being an artist.
So that's why i chose safety rather than insanity :)
So glad, i think i finally find someone with who i can talk freely about interesting things and maybe make a real friendship, waiting for your message :D
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2015
Hey, Soraya from lausanne. I'm would be interested in knowing you :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2015
With your science Pyramid, you hit on the spot Julian. We don't seem to be much apart in age. So, we can really be very good friend indeed.
Genetics, for me, is too deep to study though its fascinating. The problem doesn't come with the molecular structure, it comes with traits. I can't understand traits. I tried but failed, and then decided not to wander off.
Hey, no research is basic or vanguard unless its outcomes are evidenced. The best example is Gun. It was made for self-protection but it is used for threatening.
Physics isn't the base of Pyramid, Physics rests on Mathematics and Mathematics rests on Philosophy. So, Julian, we all owe our science to Greek and other Philosophers. :)
Organic Chemistry is one hell, I never dared to touch it. It all seems so confusing with a specific kind of Nomenclature. I always praise my sister for her patience and memory.
I can't say how glad I am to meet a "science" man. :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2015
Hi. Its remarkable to have such common similarities. :). I am working on Mathematics and heading towards developing space travel using Nuclear Fuel.
I am intelligent too and fed up with people trying to chat with so much ignorance. I am not so religious and love science.
I love Genetics, but unfortunately can't study it. :( My sister just completed her graduation in Genetics. I think Biology brings closer to life, while physics brings closer to Nature.
I am so glad to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2015
Dont forget to let me know when you are coming man!
Hahaha true. But actually Im stuck in the library everyday lol

or Japanese ?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2015
I've been to Geneva, Bern and Basel. The weather was bad during a few days of trip plus I could not speak German nor French so I honestly didnt enjoy it to its fullest. I will definitely go to Zurich next time haha
Have you been to Japan?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2015
Hi thanks for your comment. I have been to Switzerland last week and had a good time :)
Nice to meet you!
inactive user
hallo!!wie gehts??
herzlichen willkommen in interpals!!!
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