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Annie Lee , 30 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 272.
inactive user
halo.. :)
inactive user
it's cool place and beautiful
yes i like news too
but for the female artist i like akbt48 do you know?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2009
Hii! So Sorry For The Late Reply! I Was Sick!
Im Great!
How Are You?

Ahh Thats Really Cool! How Was Your Stay In Ireland?
What School Were You In? =]

Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2009
yes i do...
I´m sorry for being late, too...
How are you?
How is weather in Korea??
inactive user
i have no idea, i'm probably going to have to do some revision for my exams, i'll be working and going out and partying :) it's really nice...why did you have a tough day?
inactive user
ya same here, the holidays like easter i might be going to connecticut to see my aunt or just stay around my house and go over my grandmas, i'm not really sure what to do though. How about you?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2009
lol (:
The fray rock (:
Lilly Alleen was awsome .. i am gooing to see the killlers omfg there amazing i cant wait, going to a big music festival here called t-in- the-Park its amaazing
Init, theres some not for people i the UK , like band i like, like Kids In Glass Houses, The All American Rejects, Taylor Swift , Miley Cyrus& Jonas Brothers.
The Jonas Brothers 3D movie , is it not out your waay yet? it comes out here next moth ..
The Zac Efron onne is going to be awsome i caant waait, It comes out here next month too , its caleed 17 Agaaain im soo exctied,

Yeaa, looving it im going to a consert with my boyfriend next weekend goona bee good..
Hows yoour owwn lifee ?


p.s do you have AIM ?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2009
ah, poor you
Good luck with your projects and exams! =D
Haha, yay, saturday<3
inactive user
Pretty! Hen piao liang!
Nice picture! :D
inactive user
heya how are things with you? worries it's fine, ye i've been busy with work as well...i just can't wait for my two week break in a few weeks, so i can just rest :)
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