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Yhorlen, 28 y.o.
Santiago, Chile [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
inactive user
Si es a Brazil difícil, es algo diferente al portugués europeo
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2016
Yeah why not? Nice to meet you! Sunny from korea :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2016
jaja, thank you for sure! ^^
inactive user
yes it mean hello ^^
that's cool! i'm interest about it.
we can be a teacher, you as a teacher of the Spanish to me an i'll be a thai teacher lol
inactive user
Sure, if you interested. Thanks
inactive user
okay, i'll teach you basic of thai language
first.. Sa wad dee krab
inactive user
hi and thank you ^^
do you really to learn thai?
inactive user
Wow excelente adsjkdkasd estas mas que preparado
inactive user
solo porque me caiste bien lo har
inactive user
jajja me cagaste con esa ajksdjkasdk, :((( pero te salio buena asdka
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